Inviting car showroom

Karlsen Biler in Horsens is not your typical car dealership. Attractive materials and design solutions have been used to create a setting for elegantly showcasing the vehicles.

When Karlsen Biler had to move to new premises, they commissioned architect Allan Brunbjerg from AB Huset to help them. He has extensive experience with residential projects, and adding some homely touches to the building was also a key goal.

The building has a standard steel shell, clad with a combination of steel panels and wood. The building is well-insulated and has underfloor heating. The floor of the car showroom features large tiles, while customers are received on a wooden floor with a herringbone pattern.

The ceilings are clad with black Troldtekt acoustic panels. These bring cohesion to the entire room and ensure comfortable acoustics for employees and customers. Allan Brunbjerg notes that the black colour was chosen to add a little ‘cave atmosphere’.

Design sells design

At the centre of the room, a large dark wood furniture piece breaks up the space and houses a homely bar offering hot and cold drinks. Allan Brunbjerg comments:

“It has been an exciting project for me as an architect, to suggest ideas and create a setting with a nice homely atmosphere, so customers can relax as they make decisions about their car purchases.”

There are many appealing details, like the view into the workshop and New Yorker windows for the office, which make the car dealership stand out from the rest. Customers get to see the cars presented in a pleasant atmosphere, created with architectural insight into the customer’s overall experience of a space.