Åhus now has a bright and healthy school

In 2020, Sånnaskolan in Kristianstad Municipality was ready with a new school building and additional sports hall. The project is silver-certified by the Sweden Green Building Council, and Troldtekt acoustic ceilings in a visible T-profile system are part of the design.

Åhus has a new primary school with space for around 700 pupils. The old school building proved to be too costly to renovate, and instead Kristianstad Municipality decided to build a new school on the same site.

Only the school kitchen and a substation were preserved. At the same time, a new sports hall was added to the school’s facilities, which are now connected to the other two halls.

Sånnaskolan was ready to receive pupils in 2020 August in a building that has achieved silver certification from the Sweden Green Building Council.

New Line Arkitekter designed the project.


Bright and friendly

The school is built with a central square where the entrances to the building are located and from which the rest of the school emerges. Next to the entrance area are administrative rooms, a library, a stage for musical performances and a staircase.

The staircase connects the ground floor with the first floor and allows students to use the seating areas for classroom activities and during breaks.

To create a more relaxed and safe environment, the entire school is shoe-free.

Sånnaskolan is bright and natural, with the use of bright colours in selected areas, such as bright blue tiles by the washbasins and orange sofas to create contrast.

There is also a focus on daylight with large window facades and skylights that disperse daylight down through the building.


Ceiling with visible profile system

At Sånnaskolan, wooden slats have been installed on the walls and Troldtekt acoustic panels have been chosen for the school’s ceilings. This ensures good acoustics and contributes to a better learning environment for the many students. At the same time, Cradle to Cradle-certified Troldtekt panels contribute positively to the Sweden Green Building Council certification.

The suspended acoustic panels in natural wood have a distinct character, as they are framed in a visible aluminium Troldtekt T-profile system. T-profile systems are installed without the use of tools.

In addition to the extra design factor, a Troldtekt T-profile system has the advantage of allowing the ceiling to be dismantled and to conceal technical installations.